Toward a systematic understanding and reconstitution of the process of the mammalian life cycle with pluripotent stem cells and genomics
Research area
Germ cell
Stem-cell-based oocyte (egg)
The perpetuity of life is carried by germ cells (oocytes and sperm). With the in vitro germ cell development technology, we are approaching the mysteries of germ cells. This progress holds great potential to elucidate the underlying causes of infertility, paving the way for the development of a novel therapy.
Stem-cell-based embryo model
Embryo development (Embryogenesis) is a sequential process in which single cell results in 37 trillion cells. With in vitro reconstitution of embryo development, we are uncovering the fundamental mechanisms of development. These understandings help us to answer why pregnancy fails in uterus and how we should overcome that threat.
High-throughput genomics
We are leveraging the power of advanced genomics technologies to open up new perspectives on biology. In addition to high-throughput experimental genomic technologies, we are developing tools that can record / read / predict / manipulate cellular fate to dissect and understand the complex interplay between the genome and the continuum of normal and abnormal development.